It's not hard to argue that advance funeral plans are a good idea: When it comes to any major life decision, it's better to have a plan in place. When the time of need comes, there are many decisions and emotions which come into play – funeral preplanning can take out the most stressful parts of the planning process and leave your loved ones with the peace of mind, knowing all arrangements are taking care of, and save you money in the long run.
According to a study by the Funeral and Memorial Information Council, 69 percent of adults over 40 would prefer to plan their own service.
Here are our top 5 benefits of preplanning a funeral.
1. Reduce Stress on Your Family
The passing of a loved one can be a stressful time. There are a lot of decisions to be made when planning a funeral. Many people want to rid their surviving loved ones of this burden, helping their families to focus on supporting one another instead of funeral planning tasks. Additionally, funeral preplans the financial burden from your loved ones by saving family members from paying for all the funeral expenses out of pocket.
2. Funeral Preplanning Saves You Money
Most funeral homes in the U.S. will freeze the price of a funeral at the time it was prearranged.* Like all other products and services, the cost of a funeral is likely to increase with inflation. For many families, it is hard to come up with the required amount of money in such a short amount of time. Preplanning helps client families can freeze the cost on guaranteed services and often end up paying much less than they would five, 10 or 15 years in the future.
3. Why Preplan a Funeral? It Can Prevent Family Conflict
Planning a funeral at the time of need is stressful. Because of heightened emotions, those decisions can be clouded by grief. This added stress can sometimes lead to disagreements among surviving family members when planning the funeral. Preplanning your funeral services sets your wishes in place, taking any potentially difficult decisions off the table at the time of need.
4. Get Input from Your Family
Your loved ones are important to you, and you may want their input on your services. Preplanning your funeral services now can allow you to sit down with those you care about and talk through the service options which best fit your needs.
5. Ensure Your Wishes Are Met
A funeral is a celebration of a loved one’s life, and every life is unique. In a study done by FuneralOne, 62% of respondents said they wanted some sort of personalization in their funerals. By prearranging, client families can choose exactly what they want their funerals to be like. They can make it as specific as they want. They can personalize their funeral to reflect the unique aspects of their life, by showcasing their passions and hobbies, along with their most precious memories. People preplan their funeral for many different reasons – to leave one last gift for their family, to take care of the financial responsibility or to let their final wishes to be known. No matter what the reason for funeral planning may be, it’s important to talk with your loved ones and local funeral provider about your options and final wishes.
At The Love Always Project, we understand that loss is a natural part of life. We believe that by accepting, embracing, and planning for death, we can find peace with our own mortality—while easing the pain of loved ones. Use these additional resources to help you navigate planning for yourself and your loved ones. Learn more about our mission to encourage funeral preplanning as the ultimate act of love: Join the movement.
*Freezing the cost of a funeral varies by state and by funeral home. Talk to your funeral director about locking in the price of your funeral.